Bergonian Numerology |
"Number is the first manifestation of process." One, of course, represents the essential unity. To Bergonians the number one explicitly refers to the world as one all-enclosing space, and also "the one life" which each person and which also the one world has. There is nothing beyond "One," nothing beyond this world. "Even the Gods must have a place to stand." The essential unity, and all the world, divides. The first process is fission. Thus emerges Two. Two forms out of opposition and separation. The division of one into two occurs traumatically, with conflict. Fission is painful. But afterwards the two entities regard each other, desire a return to the primordial oneness, and embrace each other. They alternate with each other, and a cycling dance begins. Two implies the Bergonian sexualized version of Yang-Yin, personified by Arcan and Icotesi. Two is the number of sexuality, the differentiation upon which all life depends. Two, the binary, is the number of meaning, of semantic dyads, on which language is based. Two entails division, apartness, split-self, and self-conciousness. Three grows out of the dynamism released by Two. When the two embrace and seek to combine, they start a dialectic, generating a third. It essentially is the dynamic process. It manifests in childbirth, appears before a philosophical eye as the synthesis. Two (and all even numbers) represent stable, harmonious balances, while Three (and all subsequent odd numbers) suggest change, transformation, process. Thus symbols evocative of Three are used to represent themes like birth, growth and death. Three also refers to the three essential elements. The ancient Greeks hypothesized that the world was divided into four elements (earth, air, fire and water), while the ancient Bergonians believed in three (red, gold and blue). Three also reflects time and its linearity: past, present and future. Four is Two expanded, two mirrored, two spread out in spatial structure. Two denotes time, and four expands to denote space, which space exists in time. The Bergonians believe in the primacy of time, and have contemplated the nature of time and the significance of time as the a priori basis on which everything else in the world exists. Everything conceivable to the human mind exists within time. The human mind can comprehend nothing outside the bounds of time. Four is also the number of space, enclosure, and construction: the four directions, the four corners, "the four roots of the tree." Five is a sign of forms and a sign of substance. It matches the five senses, through which all forms come. Forms are, after all, things of the senses. There are the Five substantial processes: Consumption, Conjoining, Separation, Spreading, and Settling. Five in modern times represents the West-- not the West of Christianity, but the West of Modernism. Bergonians understand Modernism as Anti-Christian and secular Westernism, including these things: Science, Positivism, economics and capitalism, democracy, socialism & communism, and the political institutions of the modern Western political state. The five pointed star stands for England, Europe, the United States, and everything which they have controlled or infected. Ancient Bergonians drew a four-pointed star, not five. Modern Bergonians still use it prolifically. They did not have a five-pointed star, and the five-pointed star in modern times h as become a symbol of everything Western. The Democratic Movement of the 1920's and 1930's used the four pointed star. Six Six days of the Shufrantei week relate to the ancient Shufrantei rite of Purifiation, held every sixth day. Six is also associated with bees and wasps and who make honeycombs. Seven, the prime, the indivisible, unknown, fluid, seven vowels, seven alchemical processes, seven is the sum. Eight is four reflected. Perfect order. Now we have the northwest, northeast, southwest and southeast added to the cardinal points, so as to circumscribe the bounds of the entire world. In reference to Bergonian geography, eight referred to the seacoasts, thus to the lowlands as opposed to the Interior. Eight also generally refers to anything denotable as "outer. This glyph incorporates the Uma, the lozenge-graphic that connotes the idea of completeness, all-inclusiveness and wholeness to the Bergonian. Nine adds the Center to the eight directions away from the center, to complete the division of horizontal space. Nine as completion, perfection, leads to a new, complex yet utterly unified and organic One. The ancient Bergonians believed that the World was suspended in the Abyss, and that beyond the bounds of the World was the empty Abyss. It is not even another, separate space, but in a sense even beyond the bounds of time and all being itself (time and being= the same thing). The Abyss is the state of non-being-- oblivion and negation. This is the ultimate sense of Zero to the Bergonian. In one sense it is the simple operative category of negation-- the mere concept of "no" and "not." In another it is the ultimate terror of death, of ceasing-to-be, the swallowing up, the utter loss of life. The Bergonians developed Zero and used it in numerical notation and arithmetic. They saw Zero in two ways, first as That-which-is-not (already discussed) which is existential, the idea of no, not and non, and second as That-space/vessel-which-is-empty, represented as an empty pot, which is related to the idea of none. Thus the Bergonians used "U", representative of an empty vessel for the number "0." The idea of "nothingness" that permeates Buddhism compares to "that-which-is-empty," since Miradi uses "That-which-is-empty" as significant for the mind empty and free of worldly attachments and distractions. "As long as you see Two (understood to mean "many"), you cannot focus on One. You must pass from Two through Zero before reaching One." Tanic era mathematicians understood negative numbers. They arrived at this through the practical use of reference points drawn along ropes used in land surveys. "Positive" numbers went in one direction from a point on a line (the Bergonians called them "forward numbers"), and negative numbers went the other (which they called "backwards numbers). "0" was the reference point, which the Bergonians called simply che, meaning "here."
"The unfolding, the flowering of the universe, the progression of forms, all originate with one. When one moves one changes. The world begins with One, the precedent, the seed, the light, the original event. Then comes Two, the duinity. Arcan and Icotesi emerge, and the dance begins. From comes Three, and elements red, gold and blue. Next the four seasons, the five motions, the six days of the week, and the ineffability of seven. Each one marks a step, and each step each number a different personality, into infinity, delimited only by the void, the place of zero."
[Rev. Jul 02] |