BERGONIA: HOME > LAND > STATES The Thirty-One States |
Balupic -- (Ba-lu-pic) --fiercely independent, southeast, lush mountain forests & dry flat plains. 3,200,000 population. Bruntaigo -- (Brun-tai-go) -- beautiful, Anglified offshore island. 1,700,000. Bunamota -- (Bu-na-mo-ta) -- cradle of civilization in the east, densely populated, Portuguese. 7,100,000. Bun-Vosuget -- (Bun-Vo-su-get) -- federation of six ethnic groups, including French, in north-central Berg, very Catholic. 8,500,000. Calpia -- small islands to the north, wrestled away from the U.K. in 1938. 116,000. Coninipati -- (Co-ni-ni-pah-ti) --rainy mountainous northwest, 7 autonomous "tribes" plus French. 7,200,000. Corifoi -- (Cor-i-foi) --also fiercely independent, feuds with neighboring Balupic. 3,200,000. Cuecha -- (Coo-eh-cha) --heartland of Nacateca culture, big urban state, also big wheat producer. Most populous state; 15,700,000. Dhentamina -- (Dhen-ta-mi-na) --southeast, dry, progressive, modern. 4,900,000. Erithin -- (Air-i-thin) --little island far off to southeast, very dry, like the Canaries, quite English. 400,000. Foi-Pentana -- mountainous region of hot springs, geysers and lakes. 1,300,000. Giles Free State -- small state of English settlers, just 600,000 residents. Halemarec -- (Hal-le-mar-ec) -- industrialized coastal state in the east, with Bergonia's biggest port city. 12,700,000, 3rd largest. Incuatati -- (In-qua-ta-ti) --southwest, subtropical, with the forested Palu Mts., and splendid beaches and resorts. 6,500,000. Kalicon -- (Ka-li-con) --east-central, rural, including the very green lake country of Crevase, and the dry dusty Bushenrelu basin. 1,700,000. Lampanira -- (Lam-pa-nir-a) -- rural, pastoral, forests, plains, ranching & herding. 4,900,000. Largest state in area. Letlari -- -- (Let-lar-i) --beautiful lake country, capital is Lefitoni, nation's capital and 2nd largest city. 11,200,000 population; 5th largest. Omaika -- -- (O-mai-ca) --north coast, hilly, lushly forested, vineyards & orchards. French influenced, very Catholic. 3,600,000. Paiatri -- (Pai-ah-tri) --west coast, very urbanized, including the Clacupo region and its cities. French minorities. 11,000,000, 4th largest. Pasiana -- -- (Pa-si-ah-na) --the northeast peninsula, home of Pasan people and French, including Huguenots. 7,900,000. Pueoi -- -- (Pweh-oi) --south-central flat regions, cotton & sugar. English minority. 9,600,000, 6th largest. Rarsecin -- (Rar-se-cin) --here is Ceiolai --, Berg's largest city and traditional capital, plus its supporting countryside. 15,500,000, 2nd largest. Sacamota -- -- (Sa-ca-mo-ta) --in Amota, rolling hills and a beautiful lake. 2,600,000. Saldeia -- (Sal-dei-ah) -- (also called Salienta) in Amota, along the coast, dry lowlands, the big industrial city of Mragatai-Gibson. 6,500,000. Sanraniclai -- (San-ra-ni-clai) --south-central, sparsely populated, where Ifuno plateau meets the southern plain. 2,500,000. Sansan -- (San-san) -- small, mountainous state, only state in Amota region with few whites. 3,600,000. Sargaso ---- (Sar-ga-so) -- the newest state, created in 2004, including the islands in the Sargaso Sea. Sefaieri -- big state occupying the central Ifuno plain, Berg's breadbasket, very Nacateca. 4,500,000. Serpei -- (Ser-pei) --extreme southeast Berg, very English and very dry, with oil, cotton, shipping & navy. 7,100,000. Soleinia -- (So-lei-nia) --the southern coast, flat, hot, semiarid, coastal mangrove swamps, beautiful beaches, very English. 1,900,000. Zeinran -- -- (Zein-ran) --east-central urban, industrial state, orchards, wheat; its capital is ancient city of Varsca. 5,300,000.
The 31st state: On 3 June 2004 a new state officially came into existence. This 31st state is the state of Sargaso, consisting of islands off the east coast, formerly belonging to Bunamota and Dhentamina. These island populations are ethnically mixed, but they feel a great love for and pride in their island homes. They felt removed from their inland capitals, not to mention ignored by the dominant mainland population. The constitution allows alienated populations to initiate petitions for secession and reorganization. As a result of a petition drive in 2002, the people of the islands participated in a referendum on 12 November 2003 in which they voted to establish the new state. |
New States in the Future?
The state of Cuecha is too big, according to many of its residents. Both in terms of population and area, Cuecha is one of larger states. The state government seems far removed from the average citizen. There is no ethnic cleavage that is prompting this discussion of "state division," but only irritation with the size of state government, and a hope that multiple states will put gov a little closer to the people. While polls show that 60 to 65% of Cuecha voters favor "state partition," the debate is badly hampered by disputes over whether to split Cuecha into two, three or four states, and where to draw the new lines. See State Flags Also see Population of the States, by Language |
rev 15 April 06 |